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API Installation Process

skyClutch, LLC, uses tokens to display each Software Feature on your public website. Simply place the following tokens in the places you would like the feature to show up and that is it. You will need to provide us with an API Key prior to us setting up your search features.

Text Field and Autocomplete Location

Use the following token to dipslay the Search Text Field, the Autocomplete Location Field, and submit button.

Token: %clutch_main%

Intuitive and Easy-to-use Guided Search

Use the following token to dipslay the automatically generated category search.

Token: %clutch_guided-search%

Search Results Page with Google Maps

Use the following token to dipslay the Search Results page, Individual Listing page and Add to Bookmakrs page.

Token: %clutch_super-search%

Update Listing and Add Listing

Use the following token to dipslay the Update Listing and Add Listing forms.

Token: %clutch_add-listing%
Token: %clutch_update-listing%

How to Use

skyClutch, LLC, allows for you to create custom links throughout your site to query the database and return search results. Please follow the below instructions. For an additonal fee skyClutch can help set this up for you.


Custom Search Term: Example ”homeless shelters”
Link: /search/?search=homeless+shelters

Taxonomy Term: Example ”Food & Housing/Shelter “
Link 1: /search/?taxonomyCode=BD
Link 2: /search/?taxonomyName=%20Food
Results 1:
Results 2:

Multiple Taxonomy Terms: Example ”Food”
Link: /search/?taxonomyCode=in:BD,BH

By ID: Example “Link to a single Program Listing”
Link:{Program ID}

Location and Distance
Add the following text to the end of your url:
&location={add city or zip}
&distance={add number of miles up to 50}
&county={add county}

We Want to Help You Help People.

skyClutch, LLC, develops software to help nonprofits deliver public data to website users more efficiently and most importantly, Search Engine Friendly.